Harlequin's Ballad...


Act I

All begins at Berkswell, a little village in the middle of Warwickshire, "Shakespeare's country" as Brett underlined it in his interview with an American journalist, Aubry Davis…
All begins in Huggins family's manor, with "its foggy misty when the sun is coming across the fields." 1...

Scene I : All begins in Berkswell.

don du révérent de Berkswell, George Baisley
Jeremy Brett was born on 3rd of November 1933 and was the youngest of four children and "very much the runt of the litter for quite a while" 2. His mother Elisabeth (born Cadbury, kindly nicknamed Bunny, possessed a strong personality and a devotion to others which made her loved by everyone. She was an Irish Quaker, an "astonishing mix" as was saying Brett, who was a passionate believer in the red cross. She never hesitated to receive gypsies, rovers, or every other people in need.
La mère de Brett

There were always lots of people at The Grange, a 17th century house (with some adds from 19th), and on can easily imagine the children listening amazing stories of these travelling men about their adventures on the roads. Bunny was a mother who used to be very attentive to her children and to encourage them to follow their own dreams.
Add to that the presence of numerous animals (ponies, dogs, rats, ferrets, and even mice) and also a drawing-room, a sort of playroom were children could draw, paint or play music. Brett loved to drag to this room Leslie Huggins, his uncle, who was a music master in "Bradley School in Stowe", for playing piano, every time he went for a visit.

With all of this, the four children 's career the is not a surprise : John became a clergyman, Michael a painter, and Patrick, a farmer. The latest one, as he discovered Laurence Olivier playing Henry V, at the Cameo cinema of Berkswell where he went four times a week by bicycle, decided for our greatest happiness to become … an actor.

scène II

Notes :

1 : Interview of Brett by Robert Aubry Davis for American radio WETA, November 1991. this interview of one hour has been published in CD and in booklet (English/French) by The JBSF. see publication
2 Stage Struck, august 1990. Interview done by Pam Clarke.